
Elmo is a Registered 9 year old, 14.2h, 1100lb, Buckskin Gypsy Vanner X Haflinger cross gelding that is well trained to ride! He has a willing attitude and a calm demeanor. He loves attention, is the first to meet you at the gate and has never met a stranger. Elmo is a strong well built horse that can carry any size of rider. He is an easy keeper, is sound and has no vices. He is great on trails, has been ridden on night rides and camping trips as well. He will go through water, over deadfall, handles rough terrain with ease and is confident in all settings. He lopes nice circles, takes his leads, has a smooth walk, trot and canter. We have used him to check, herd and push cattle. He will go anywhere that you point him, ride in the front or back of a group and is perfectly fine alone as well. We have taught him a few tricks, he will sit on a bean bag and lay down on command. We have owned Elmo since he was a weanling and has become a family favorite. If you are looking for a safe, sound, loving, all around horse… Elmo is going to fit the bill!

© Copyright 2024 Dibbles Ranch 
All Rights Reserved


McAllen, Texas 78505

+1 956-396-6492
