Beauty, brains, broke and breeding. Buttercup is The total package. He is a 8 year old, 14.3h, 1150lb tank! He’s been the ranch bosses main mount for a number of years. Buttercup is amazing to use on the ranch to doctor sort or brand cattle. He’s a very willing guy that loves doing his job. Buttercup will work a gate great side passes both ways with light leg pressure. He has a very good one hand neck rein he is soft in the face and very responsive, you can ride him with just a string around his neck. Buttercup is very easy to catch and loves people he will meet you at the gate. We took Buttercup to elk camp last week where he was awesome. Stands tied to a high line good, he is hobble broke as well. We rode out in the dark With gear and a gun strapped to Buttercup and he was trustworthy and gentle about all situations. Buttercup is a mountain goat in steep country He picks his way through the rocks and traverses the country awesome! You can leed a pack mule on him as well. Buttercup is great in the arena where his reining pedigree shines through. He lopes nice slow circles on a draped rein has a great stop and turns around well. All this can be done with or without a bridle. Buttercup is an amazing guy that your family will love. He’s sells 100% sound and gentle .