
George is your dream come true type of horse! He is the perfect age at 9 and a registered shire/gypsy cross. He is fancy broke to both ride and drive! He is 16.2 hands tall. Built thick and made to last. He has a size 8 foot and is very kind and easy for the farrier! George has been hauled all over. He drives in town. Rides in parades. Goes to a completely new place and rides like a dreamboat for everyone from models to kids. He will ride in a bosal/halter, plain snaffle, or a curb bit. He is not fussy and is broke enough to take anything thrown at him. He does not spook at traffic, horses running around him, tarps, flags, or even blow up costumes that make noise. He is the most sensible, kind, and friendly draft gelding we have had the pleasure to have in our barn. If I could keep one, this would be the one to keep! George is broke to drive single, double, and three abreast. We do not have the equipment to do anything but drive him single but can send additional video of him driving double and three abreast. He is fancy broke and the least experienced driver could handle him with ease. As a riding companion, George will ride both English and western. He is easy to push forward into a trot or lope and he has both a very smooth slow trot and a rocking chair lope. He is easy both for adults and children and very forgiving of beginners. He will pop over cross rails and ride through water. This gelding doesn’t have anything he refuses and is game for whatever has been presented to him. He loves the attention and is happy to be ridden around, groomed on, or anything else you can think of…just give him attention! He is the first to greet you from pasture and will run across to you for scratches and cookies. George will stand still and quietly at the mounting block both to mount and dismount; he will even side pass to help you get on. He has had ropes swung off him and ridden around cows. Not much of a cowhorse due to his thunderous size, but he’s game if you want to try it! George is the type everyone wants. He’s gentle. He’s easy. And he loves to do anything asked of him. He is current on farrier, dental, coggins, and has a recent vetting on file. We can help arrange shipping anywhere around the country. 

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All Rights Reserved


McAllen, Texas 78505

+1 956-396-6492