This is Julio, an 8 yr old, 14.3 hand gorgeous loud colored red roan Appaloosa gelding. Julio has a lot of “chrome”. His unique color, big blaze, long thick tail, and three white socks make him really stand out from the rest of the herd! He rides, drives single, and he even knows some fun tricks like sidepassing over to a gate or step to pick you up for easy mounting. He is a solid citizen with one incredible mind to boot. You can crawl all over him and he doesn’t care. Our kids will go catch him out in the pasture in a halter, swing up on him bareback, and then go for a trail ride. Julio doesn’t mind loud noises, traffic, tarps, whips cracking, flags, dragging anything, and he is ok with dogs running around his feet on trail rides. He’s as unflappable as they come, and he has one of the most willing attitudes. He’s been rode in parades and carried a flag at rodeos. Julio settles right in wherever we take him. We have hauled him to several different arenas, tied him to the trailer, had him camping on several different campgrounds, and he is always the same horse each time. He stands quietly even if he is the only horse tied to the trailer. Julio has a gorgeous slow jog that is so easy to ride. Julio knows his leads, he has a nice stop, smooth transitions, backs up, sidepasses, and has a one hand neckrein handle. Julio will hop onto any trailer and he will go over anything you point him at on the trail. Julio is a people pleaser. He’s also easy to shoe, bathe, catch, saddle, bridle, etc. We have taken him to work cattle and he took it all in without ever causing a fuss. We have driven him in heavy traffic, quiet dirt roads, and even in town. He does not get bothered by anything. Julio is used to all kinds of animals on the ranch and on the trail. Julio is a horse that you can let sit for days, weeks and even months and he will always be the same horse when you get him out. He truly loves people and will be the first one to greet you in the pasture. His looks and personality are second to none and we are confident whoever buys him will have their once in a lifetime horse.